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here is a Adventure Time Key-per in Pajamas Sticker from the Adventure Time collection for sticker maniahere is a Adventure Time Key-per in Pajamas Sticker from the Adventure Time collection for sticker mania

Adventure Time Key-per in Pajamas Sticker

Key-per, or Gate Key-per, makes his first appearance in Adventure Time in the episode The Enchiridion! and in our fanart Adventure Time Key-per in Pajamas Sticker. His hat shaped like a key is, in fact, the key that opens the gate to Mount Cragdor, which means the Key-per himself must be inserted into the lock. He is short and tubby with yellow skin and wears a red robe which is his pajamas.
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YellowAdventure TimeCartoonRedKeyPajamasFanartKey-perThe EnchiridionRobeGateMount Cragdor

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