Sticker Mania

here is a Bugs Bunny Grimacing Sticker from the Bugs Bunny collection for sticker maniahere is a Bugs Bunny Grimacing Sticker from the Bugs Bunny collection for sticker mania

Bugs Bunny Grimacing Sticker

If you get in a situation, when there are no words left to say, all you can do is to make a grimacing face with a tongue to answer anything in response. Or you can use the work of the grey mascot of Warner Bros., which has already made it for you. So remember about this Bugs Bunny Grimacing Sticker, when you will get in a difficult situation like this - it can help you a lot.
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CharacterWhiteCartoonFaceTongueBugs BunnyBunnyGreyFanartGrimacingMascotWarner Bros

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