Sticker Mania

here is a Kirby and Waddle Dee Correspondence Sticker from the Kirby collection for sticker maniahere is a Kirby and Waddle Dee Correspondence Sticker from the Kirby collection for sticker mania

Kirby and Waddle Dee Correspondence Sticker

Chatting with your friend became tiring for you? What if we make it more interesting with our fanart Kirby and Waddle Dee Correspondence Sticker? You can pick a pink Nintendo game mascot as your icon, while your friend can be depicted as Waddle Dee. Or, if you want, you can make it another way you want. Or you can add these two charming creatures as a cute decoration to your Desktop.
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GamePinkFriendsCuteChatNintendoFriendKirbyOrangeIconFanartCharmingChattingWaddle DeeCorrespondence

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