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here is a Friday Night Funkin' Balloony Guy Sticker from the Friday Night Funkin' collection for sticker maniahere is a Friday Night Funkin' Balloony Guy Sticker from the Friday Night Funkin' collection for sticker mania

Friday Night Funkin' Balloony Guy Sticker

Let's party with the fellow in our fanart Friday Night Funkin' Balloony Guy Sticker. Balloony Guy or Balloony Boy is a rock creature that is the mascot for the YouTube channel Shady Cicada. In the mod, created by Doki Doki Takeover creator, DusterBuster, he is the leading opponent of the playable song. Balloony Boy is depicted as a tiny, rock-like creature with stubby limbs and a red party hat. He has a red balloon in his left hand, which pops at the end, and he becomes sad.
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GameRedRockHappyPartyBalloonGamesFanartFNFShady CicadaDusterBusterDoki Doki TakeoverBalloony GuyBalloony BoyParty hatFNF mod

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