Sticker Mania

here is a Bleach Miyuki Sticker from the Anime collection for sticker maniahere is a Bleach Miyuki Sticker from the Anime collection for sticker mania

Bleach Miyuki Sticker

Miyuki is a Human girl that was saved by Kon after almost drowning. Miyuki used to live with her family and her dog Shintarō in a big house. After her parents divorced she went to live with her mother in an apartment complex and, since dogs were not allowed, her mother bought her a stuffed animal which they named Shintarō as well. Some time after that the real Shintarō was run over by a car. A fanart Bleach sticker with Miyuki.
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SavedAnimeCuteToyLionMichiruFanartDrownProject SpearheadBleachKonClassmateMiyukiDrowning

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