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here is a Powerpuff Girls Z Momoko Sticker from the Anime collection for sticker maniahere is a Powerpuff Girls Z Momoko Sticker from the Anime collection for sticker mania

Powerpuff Girls Z Momoko Sticker

Momoko Akatsutsumi aka Hyper Blossom - the leader of the PowerPuff Girls Z and is one of the main characters of the PPGZ anime series. She is a young, thirteen-year-old teenager with light skin and pink eyes, and a cheerful student of Tokyo city. Even though she is so girly and all about pink, but Momoko is a good fighter and a true friend. She likes candies and other sugary sweets very much. Powerpuff Girls Z Momoko Sticker.
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CharacterSweetsPinkAnimeGirlTeenagerPowerpuff Girls ZPPGZHyperBlossomBow-knotMomokoAkatsutsumi

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